Uninstall from Team

To uninstall BindTuning solutions from a specific Team:

  1. Locate the Team where you have deployed the solutions;
  2. Click on the 3 dots, followed by Manage Team;
  3. Navigate to Apps;


  4. Select the BindTuning solution you want to uninstall;

  5. Click on the trash icon;


  6. Confirm by clicking on Uninstall.


Global Uninstallation

To globally uninstall BindTuning solutions from your Microsoft Teams, refer to the steps below:

  1. Open you Teams Admin Center;

  2. On the left panel, select Teams apps, followed by Manage Apps;

  3. Locate the BindTuning Web Parts you wish to uninstall;


  4. Click on the specific Web Part;

  5. Select the Delete option;

  6. Confirm by pressing Delete.
